Ubuntu / Linux news and application reviews.


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How To Flash Android (Flyme) On Meizu MX4 Ubuntu Edition

Meizu MX4 Ubuntu Edition

This is a quick guide for how to reflash Fyme OS on Meizu MX4 Ubuntu Edition. Flyme is based on Android with some redesign along with extras. It doesn't ship with Google apps, but those are easily installable.

You can flash Flyme 5.1.12G or 6.1.0G (released recently), both based on Android 5.1. To see what's new in Flyme 6, check out THIS page. Using the steps below, you should receive future Flyme OS updates automatically, so there's no need to reflash anything manually for any OS updates.

Audacious 3.9 Released With Qt User Interface Enhancements, More [PPA]

Audacious 3.9 was released recently, bringing much-needed updates to the QT UI, along with various other enhancements.

Audacious 3.9 GTK2 interface
Audacious GTK2 interface

Audacious is a music player available for Linux and Windows, which ships with an extensive list of plugins, along with multiple interfaces: GTK2, GTK3, Qt5 and a Winamp2-like interface. Note that the builds from the main WebUpd8 PPA use the GTK2 and Qt5 interfaces.

YouTube-DL GUI 0.4 Ships With New User Interface, More [PPA]

After two years since the previous version, a new YouTube-DL GUI (YouTube-DLG) version was made available for download recently. The new 0.4 version ships with a a new user interface, easier format and save path selection and more.

YouTube DL GUI

YouTube-DL GUI is, like its name suggests, a graphical user interface for the powerful command line tool youtube-dl, available for Linux and Windows. In case you're not familiar with youtube-dl, this is a popular tool that allows downloading videos from YouTube and around 1000 other websites.

Nemo 3.4 Without Cinnamon Dependencies Available In PPA For Ubuntu 17.04 And 16.04

Nemo 3.4 (3.4.7 at the time I'm writing this article) without Cinnamon dependencies and with Unity patches is now available in the WebUpd8 Nemo 3 PPA, for Ubuntu 17.04 and 16.04.

While it comes with some Unity patches, this Nemo version should work with other desktop environments as well, like GNOME (Shell), etc.

Nemo 3.4 file manager

Ambient Noise (ANoise) Player Fixed For Ubuntu 16.04 And Newer

Ambient Noise, or ANoise is a simple, lightweight application for playing ambient noises, such as waves, rain, fire, and so on, useful to help you stay focused and boost productivity, or fall asleep.

The application didn't work in Ubuntu 16.04 and newer until recently, when it was updated to GStreamer 1.0 and Python 3, along with some bug fixes.

Ambient Noise Ubuntu

Tool To Create Bootable Windows USB Stick From Linux `WinUSB` (Fork) Renamed To `WoeUSB`, Sees New Release

The WinUSB fork we covered a while back was renamed to WoeUSB recently, while also seeing quite a few releases for the past few days.


WoeUSB / WinUSB is a tool that can be used to create a bootable Windows installer USB stick from an ISO or DVD. The application supports Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, as well Windows 10, and can be used either with a GUI or from the command line.

MATE Dock Applet Sees New Release

MATE Dock Applet is a MATE panel applet that displays open windows / applications as icons. The latest 0.78 version includes 5 new types of indicators, a new option to add space between dock icons, and more.

MATE Dock Applet

Why Oracle Java 7 And 6 Installers No Longer Work

Oracle Java

Because I've received more than 50 emails about this, I though I'd make a post about it, to clear things up for everybody.

While Oracle Java 6 and 7 are not supported for quite a while, they were still available for download on Oracle's website until recently.

Tilix (Previously Terminix) 1.5.8 And Guake 0.8.9 Available In PPA

Tilix (previously called Terminix) and Guake terminal emulators have had new releases recently, and are both available in PPA for Ubuntu / Linux Mint.

Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) Available For Download

Ubuntu 17.04 Zesty Zapus

Ubuntu 17.04 has been released.

The new version brings updated applications and various under-the-hood improvements, along with bug fixes. As expected, Compiz and Unity have only received minor improvements and bug fixes.

On the other hand, Ubuntu 17.04 includes the GNOME 3.24 stack for the most part (GTK3 along with Totem, Disks, Calendar, and so on). There are some missing bits, but this is still pretty important, as Ubuntu didn't use the latest GNOME since around Ubuntu 11.10 / GNOME 3.2.