All of these steps assume that you have the latest Kubuntu version 9.04 “Jaunty Jackalope”. It might work with earlier versions, although I make no guarantees.
The good news is that the Google Gadgets libraries are still in the kdebase source. You just have to rebuild the kdebase-workspace package.
1. The first thing that I recommend doing is creating a working directory:
mkdir kde4-build
cd kde4-build
2. Install the Google Gadgets library packages:
sudo apt-get install libggadget-qt-1.0-dev
sudo apt-get install libggadget-1.0-dev
3. Install the kdebase-workspace source package and its dependencies:
sudo apt-get source kdebase-workspace
sudo apt-get build-dep kdebase-workspace
4. Next, you will need to configure the kdebase-workspace source to prepare it for building:
cd kdebase-workspace-4.2.1a
cmake .
5. You only need to compile the Google Gadgets script engine portion:
cd plasma/scriptengines/google_gadgets
6. Finally, just copy the Google Gadget binaries to their proper locations:
sudo cp ../../../lib/ /usr/lib/kde4/
sudo cp ../../../lib/ /usr/lib/kde4/
sudo cp plasma-packagestructure-googlegadgets.desktop /usr/share/kde4/services/
sudo cp plasma-scriptengine-googlegadgets.desktop /usr/share/kde4/services/
sudo cp plasma-applet-ggl-photos.desktop /usr/share/kde4/services/
sudo cp plasma-applet-ggl-rss.desktop /usr/share/kde4/services/
7. Restart KDE
When you log back into KDE, you should now have support for Google Gadgets.
8. Open the add widgets dialog as you normally would, click on “Install New Widgets”, and then click “Download New Google Gadgets”.
When you add Google Gadgets from the Gadget Browser, they will appear in the normal Plasma dialog, which you can then use to add to your desktop. If, for some reason, you do not see all 61 gadgets, you might need to start Google Gadgets independently once, close it, restart plasma, and then try again.
[Credits and Francesco Santini]