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Linux Video Converter

Linux Video Converter makes it easy to convert your videos ready to be uploaded into video sharing websites (low-resolution high-quality). For now, it only supports YouTube but probably formats for other websites will be added soon.

Download Linux Video Converter:

Get Linux video converter for Linux with RPM (48 KB)

Installable RPM package

For Ubuntu, you can install it in 3 ways (whichever works best for you):

1. Download thetarball and compile it.

2. You can use this .deb file I created: download

3. Convert the installable .rpm file to .deb and install it:
a) Install alien:
sudo apt-get install alien
b) Download the installable .rpm file
c) Use the terminal to navigate to the folder where you downloaded the .rpm file and install it using alien:
alien -i linuxvideoconverter-0.9.1-1.noarch.rpm

You will then find it under Applications > Other > Linux Video Converter