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Some time ago we talked about Earcandy which is a Pulseaudio volume manager that automatically changes the sound depending on the current application you use. But if you want to manually change the sound volume for each application, you can use Gnome Pulseaudio applet which is simple volume control GUI for PulseAudio. With this applet you can control audio volume of every program separately. Current version support mono audio volume controlling and mute/unmute stream features.


1. Right click panel in Gnome
2. Select "Add to panel..."
3. Browse or find PulseAudio, select our app ( check applets icon ) and press "Add"


Ubuntu 9.04 (32 bit) and Fedora 10 and 11 (both 32bit and 64 bit) can download packages for their distributions. Other distro users can download source files.

Download Gnome PulseAudio Applet